uses smart computer vision techniques to detect bone fractures in
your X-ray examinations. The image feature extraction and machine learning algorithms were
trained on a large database. By using you help to further increase our fracture
detection rate!
How does it work?
When you upload an X-ray study to the server, the images will be analyzed by our algorithms,
based on neural networks computing image classification and object detection tasks.
Why should I use
Radiographs of injured body regions are commonly performed to diagnose fractures.
They still are the first line of imaging diagnostics in many acute trauma indications.
Our algorithms are trained to detect fractures in X-ray examinations. By using, you provide us with additional X-rays to improve the sensitivity of the technique!
Why do I need to license my uploaded files to
Neural networks need to be trained on large amounts of data to achieve accurate and
robust results. You can upload your DICOM or IMAGE files to our servers to enable
detection of bone fractures. When doing so, You agree to grant a license on
Your anonymized X-ray file(s) under the Creative Commons
With the help of your cases, we improve our service for You and all other users!
Why is it safe to upload my images?
Data protection is a very important topic for us.
As long as you upload DICOM or other format X-rays not containing visible text,
you are providing anonymized data. This means that it is impossible to re-identify
an individual person.
We regularly audit received images regarding a potential
presence of personal data. Should there be any doubt about
an image containing sensitive information,
we will delete it as soon as detected
Do not upload files with personal information written on the image!
How are my DICOM files anonymized?
We strip your DICOM file's metadata inside your web browser. Only the image pixels are uploaded
to the servers.
DICOM header information is used to create a suitable filename, which consists of the hashed
patient ID,
a hashed timestamp, gender, and rounded age.
For detailed information please refer to our Privacy Policy.
What can I do to receive optimum results?
There is a common computer related principle: "Garbage in, garbage out".
Results will be best with high resolution input images, featuring sufficient sharpness and
DICOMs are suited best, because they feature full resolultion and more grayscale levels than
visible on screen.
Avoid multiple X-rays on an image!
Please also make sure not to upload multiple images on a single canvas. An example is displayed
Multiple X-rays on one canvas
We are working on automatically splitting a canvas containing multiple projections.
However, the feature is not finished yet.
How to interpret results and heatmaps? typically provides a probibility for a given image to contain a fracture,
together with a color-coded heatmap. You should be aware that this heatmap could,
but not necessarily does highlight the site of fracture(s).
What is the accuracy of the used algorithms?
We perform classification tasks with
models, reaching high levels of accuracy varying with body region and age group.
An overall algorithm serves as fallback in cases where suitable
region- or age-specific models are unavailable.
Model accuracy for different regions and age groups is given in the
figure below.